Rant rant rant

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

location: work
mood: i feel like shit!

life is pretty mediocre. it's been about 8 months since i moved here and i have yet to feel comfortable with my surroundings. it's hard to find people to talk to. even if i find someone to talk to there is that language barrier that prevents getting past trivial everyday blabber.

i think i'm into the stages of homesickness. i miss my family and my friends. i miss being able to hold a normal conversation without having to explain or repeat myself 20 times.

i used to have a witty personality and could make a come-back in the blink of an eye. however, i can't do that anymore. it's as if this place has killed my spirit. perhaps i'm over-reacting, but it's my blog so i can say what i want.