Rant rant rant

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

location: work
mood: i feel like shit!

life is pretty mediocre. it's been about 8 months since i moved here and i have yet to feel comfortable with my surroundings. it's hard to find people to talk to. even if i find someone to talk to there is that language barrier that prevents getting past trivial everyday blabber.

i think i'm into the stages of homesickness. i miss my family and my friends. i miss being able to hold a normal conversation without having to explain or repeat myself 20 times.

i used to have a witty personality and could make a come-back in the blink of an eye. however, i can't do that anymore. it's as if this place has killed my spirit. perhaps i'm over-reacting, but it's my blog so i can say what i want.

Monday, February 13, 2006

they say being away from home has it's highs and lows... i dunno, but lately i've been on a low.. weekends are fun cuz i get to go snowboarding. however, during the week, i can't seem to muster the energy to get thru the day without taking a nap..

i think i'm still waiting to see my high..

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

think i'm getting si~ck..


Thursday, January 26, 2006


I hope no one comes up to me with any s*&t cuz i dont think i can take it today.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

so i'm sitting at my desk when my co-worker, let's call her 'K', comes up to me asking me to do something i really don't want to do. not to mention the fact that i still havent finished the first thing she asked me to do. So i'm just gonna make up some stupid s&*t about some stupid thing that has happened to me...

i think K is on a permanent crystal meth high or something... she walks a mile a minute and talks twice as fast.. every time K talks to me i can only make out 1/3 of what she says, if i'm lucky. whatever..

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Welcome to my ranting blog. This is the blog that don't want anyone I know to see (that's why i'm posting it on the web.. tee hee).

* here begineth the rant*

First off, I'm bored outta my f*&^ing mind right now. I'm sitting at work with nothing to do but twiddle my thumbs and wait for the magic time, 4:15 pm, so that I can get my ass home and take a nap. I feel I'm wasting away sitting here. I want to find another job and move to another place but I need to wait for the results of the test I took last month before I even start looking. Geez, it's like I'm living in a waiting game or something. Everytime I want something I can't have it right away. I need to wait and wait and wait - very frustrating.

Next, I'm freaking cold! My Miami-raised body isn't used to freezing temperatures. And one would think I could find escape from the the freezing temperature at my job or at my home. But alas, no! I guess these people have never heard of insulation. Insulation is a marvelous thing it keeps the cold air out and the warm air in. And and added benefit: insulation can keep the price of heating the apartment down. Wouldn't that be nice. Yet, I don't have that luxury. So I'm stuck using alot of electricity trying to heat my apartment. It is no cheap feat. I got my bill for the past month and it's higher and any previous bill. grrr. But I refuse to freeze in my own home!

The third thing I'm worried about is my flight reservation for my trip home getting cancelled. All because my ticket is reserved using only my first and last name. But my passport has my full legal name and when I faxed a copy of my passport to the travel agency I got a response that the names don't match. Lord have mercy! It's my freaking middle name! Who gives a flying f*&k about it. It's not a reason for cancelling my reservation for a flight that has since become full. If I don't get to go home cuz of this I will be majorly pissed and might go on a spree of mayhem and havoc on everyone around me.


*here endeth the rant*